~ At Pyramid’s Secret Health Resort ~
we believe in the power of a comprehensive and holistic approach to immune health. Our specialized preventive and Therapeutic programs integrate both traditional and alternative Therapeutic Methods
create a harmonious synergy that addresses the diverse needs of our guests. Through the careful combination of therapeutic nutrition, kinetic activities, and environmental treatments, we provide a multidimensional experience aimed at optimizing immune function.
Coded preventive and hospital programs commensurate with all the health needs of all pioneers, as the client will be dealt with from the moment of his arrival according to the following:
~ Categories ~
we believe in the power of a comprehensive and holistic approach to immune health
Feel Life’s Potential at Pyramid’s Secret
Integrating the beauty of the surrounding environment into its design, the Wellness Sanctuary features open air treatment spaces as well as deluxe air-conditioned suites. With our certified wellness professionals here, including naturopaths, doctors of traditional medicine, nutritionists, life transformation experts, fitness specialists and yoga, meditation.
Pyramid’s Secret combines holistic medicine traditions from East and West to offer a menu of therapies and treatments. Daily Classes are open to all guests.
Tailor-Made Programs
While Pyramid’s Secret Wellness Programs, including detox, stress and burnout, optimal weight, fitness, and yoga programs address most health and wellness goals. Some guests will prefer a tailored approach allowing them to achieve even more specific outcomes, adjust the intensity of the program, or perhaps focus on a particular modality. With the support and guidance of our experienced Naturopaths, you can co-create a wellness program that is a perfect fit for YOU.
As a first step, you simply need to book your accommodation. Your tailor-made wellness program will then be designed and quoted at your initial consultation
Healthy Inspired Cuisine
At Pyramid’s Secret, the cuisine is a fundamental component of the holistic health concept. The menus reflect Pyramid’s Secret’s philosophy of healthy living and the celebration of different cultures, featuring fresh and healthy dishes with enough sumptuous twist to satisfy the most discerning palates.
The healthy, inspired cuisine is a fusion of Eastern and Western culinary traditions and menus include extensive vegetarian options as well as fresh seafood and poultry dishes. There are separate menus for those on Detox or Ideal Weight programs. Fresh juices and herbal teas are also served.
A Place to Feel at Home
Pyramid’s Secret accommodation options range from Chalets, Wooden huts and Suites.
Pyramid’s Secret incorporates the surrounding landscape into the simple elegance of its architecture and design. Buildings are nestled amidst vegetation, with existing rocks and trees as defining elements for many of the structures.
Natures textiles combined with modern amenities, create comfortable, serene, and elegant interiors.
Pyramid’s Secret Experience
True healing comes from acceptance, not resistance. That’s why at Pyramid’s Secret, we take a refreshingly liberating humanistic approach to wellness. With the absence of the strict controls and rigid rules, the guests can naturally let go and open up. Support, advice, and inspiration are always on offer, but it’s the guests’ innate wisdom that guides their experience.
While many guests come with a purpose or a goal in mind, Pyramid’s Secret remains flexible to their needs. visitors can simply come for a relaxing, healthy holiday and enjoy the restorative environment and complimentary offerings like wellness consultations and daily holistic classes. Or choose from an extensive wellness treatments menu and personalized sessions.
As the days go by, the guests experience clarity of mind, upliftment of the mood, improvements of their physical conditions and increase of vitality.
Pyramid’s Secret Lifestyle
For many the sprint-paced ‘ASAP’ world in which we live has disconnected us from each other, our own true and divine sense of self and the perfect simplicity of being present in our lives. At Pyramid’s Secret, being reconnected can be a sublimely life changing experience.
The Pyramid’s Secret lifestyle is relaxed, informal and heartwarmingly comfortable. The services and facilities are bound together by a welcoming community spirit and supported by the invigorating energies of nature and healthy cuisine.
Nature is an ever-present part of Pyramid’s Secret experience, a sensory symphony that nourishes and nurtures. Beyond the improvements in health and wellbeing.
The Wellness Sanctuary and Holistic Spa
Integrating the beauty of the surrounding environment into its design, the Wellness Sanctuary features open air treatment spaces as well as deluxe air-conditioned suites. With our certified wellness professionals here, including naturopaths, doctors of traditional medicine, nutritionists, life transformation experts, fitness specialists and yoga, meditation.
Pyramid’s Secret combines holistic medicine traditions from East and West to offer a menu of therapies and treatments. Daily Classes are open to all guests.
Plan Your Wellness Retreat
If you are unsure about which program to select, please Contact us to schedule a 15 min complimentary consultation with our Naturopath.
To plan your stay at Pyramid’s Secret from outside or within Egypt, please contact (Email) or call (Phone Number)
Welcoming our client
Welcoming the client
1. Welcoming the customer, receiving him, offering him a drink, and sending him to his room
Review by the medical team
viewing the results of his tests through the resident medical committee.
Code Vistor
Put the customer on the code for his status.
our programs
Refresher program
( 3 days )
3. The motor and nutritional programs start the qualifying phase (3 days) for each code separately.
Vitality and clear skin program (7 days)
sessions are added under the hierarchical bodies and ozone chambers, with the maximum limit of motor activities being reached.
Recovery and wellness program (14 days)
A comprehensive review of the results and dealing with the client accordingly, with a program to visit the tourist places and a final report from the competent medical committee
~ Team member ~
We have awesome team member to help support.
د. محمد العناني
رئيس مجلس الأدارة
د. منال متولي
عضو مجلس الادارة
ورئيس اللجنة العلمية
ورئيس اللجنة العلمية
عميد عادل العقدة
عضو مجلس الادارة والعضو المنتدب
المهندس الاستشاري محمود المحريقي
عضو مجلس الادارة
الاستاذ محمد الحسن
عضو مجلس الادارة
الاستاذ احمد الحلو
عضو مجلس الادارة
~ Team member ~
Medical supervision, therapeutic nutrition and eco-tourism
موسى محمد ناجى
د.مهندس استشاري بيئي
وعلوم المواد والهندسة العكسية
وعلوم المواد والهندسة العكسية
دكتوراه : فلسفه الهندسة البيئية في تصميم الحلول للمشاكل الانمائيه – عين شمس
v دبلوم التغذية الاكلينيكية والعلاجية لغير الاطباء ( جامعة عين شمس)
مستشار التحكيم الدولي (الفيديك) لتخطيط المدن البيئية . نقابة المهندسين ٢٠١6
- رئيس مجلس إدارة مجموعة مصر الإستشارية للبيئة الخضراء.
- رئيس المنظمة العربية الدولية للبيئة والتنمية .
- رئيس مجلس ادارة جمعية الطاقه الجديدة والمتجددة واتنمية المستدامه .
v مؤسس ورئيس مجلس إدارة جمعية تكنولوجيا التنمية الشاملة .
حاصل علي
v جائزة ودرع ولاية وجامعة متشجان الامريكية لأفضل الحلول العلمية والعملية البيئية في مجال الهندسة العكسية و الحيوية 1989
v جائزة جولدمان للبيئة مع اقامة 10أيام في سان فرانسيسكو وواشنطن العاصمة.
v جائزة السلام الدولية بجامعة أريزونا بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية .1996
v جائزة حمدان بن راشد لتكريم الشخصيات العلمية البارزة في العالم العربي .
v جائزة اشدين للطاقه المستدامه مكافأة لمقدمى مشاريع الطاقة المستدامة المحلية.
دكتور عاطف هيكل
استشاري الطب الصيني والعلاج الطبيعي
استشاري الطب الصيني والعلاج الطبيعي
اول خببر عربي في العلاج بالطاقه الضوئيه (biophotonic energy)ممثل جامعة جوانزو الصينيه في مصر والشرق الاوسط منذ ديسمبر 2011حتي ديسمبر 2017
عضو جمعية ايحوتب العلميه
امين صندوق نقابة العلاج الطبيعي(سابقا)
رئيس الجمعيه المصريه للطب الامن (سابقا)
أستاذ دكتور/ ھاني علي الغزاوي
استشاري العلاج التجمیلي غیر الجراحي والتغذیة العلاجیة والطب التكمیلي
استشاري العلاج التجمیلي غیر الجراحي والتغذیة العلاجیة والطب التكمیلي
دكتوراه الطب البدیل – الجامعة الدولیة للطب البدیل - سیریلانكا.
مؤسس ورئیس المجلس التنفیذ للمجموعة الاستشاریة للتغذیة العلاجیة
مجموعة استشارات التغذیة ھي شركة مصریة لتصمیم وتصنیع المنتجات الغذائیة الصحیة للرجال والنساء والأطفال
طبیب استشاري في الطب التكمیلي فى مجمع الصفوة بالمملكة العربیة السعودیة
أشرف على فریق عالي الكفاءة من الأطباء للحجامة والوخز بالإبر والطب الشمولي . تصمیم خطط غذائیة مختلفة وتدخلات تجمیلیة غیر جراحیة للمرضى.
• أستاذ زائر للطب البدیل ، لشبونة ، البرتغال
• عضو دولي في رابطة سوجوك الدولیة )ISA(